When our faithful companions getting older, they face several health problems but this does not mean that their condition cannot be greatly improved. Thus, the wheelchair allows the animal to regain its mobility (walking, playing, running) and its autonomy.
The wheelchair is suitable and designed for many types of animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, ducks, farm animals, etc. The cart is adjustable in height, length and width allowing to adapt easily adapt it to the evolution of the pathology, the morphology, and the growth (if applicable) of your animal.
The cart can be recommended in the following situations:
- All walking difficulties
- Neurological deficiencies
- Hip dysplasia
- Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Degenerative myelopathy
- Herniated disc
- Paralysis
- Amputation
- Post-operative
- Spinal injuries
- Paresis (partial or mild paralysis)
- Congenital anomalies
- Etc.
Main characteristics of the wheelchair:
- Lightweight, heavy-duty frame made of aircraft-grade aluminum.
- Simple snaps* for easy adjustment (height, length, width).
- Foldable frame,* for easy cart transportation.
- Dense, puncture-resistant off-road wheels..
- Cushioned tubular support for comfortable support of hindlimbs
- Reduces weight and stress on the hindlimbs when they are still mobile.
- Optional stirrups if needed, to prevent paralyzed hindlimbs from dragging on the ground.
- Front harness to support and stabilize the wheelchair.
- Abdominal strap to provide additional spine support, if required.
- Very good weather resistance (water, snow, etc.).
- Designed so that the animal can easily relieve itself while using the cart.
- *Some models
Please contact ORTHO DESIGN to find out if the cart would be an option for your pet, or for further information such as how to determine the required cart size, the cost of the cart, etc.