When our faithful companions getting older, they face several health problems but this does not mean that their condition cannot be greatly improved. Thus, the wheelchair allows the animal to regain its mobility (walking, playing, running) and its autonomy.
The wheelchair is suitable and designed for many types of animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, ducks, farm animals, etc. The cart is adjustable in height, length and width allowing to adapt easily adapt it to the evolution of the pathology, the morphology, and the growth (if applicable) of your animal.
If required, ORTHO DESIGN offers the service of “customizing” the wheelchair, that is, modify it to suit the animal’s specific morphology and/or pathology. In some cases, ORTHO DESIGN can also design and manufacture a custom-made wheelchair.

The cart can be recommended in the following situations:

Main characteristics of the wheelchair:

Also available:


Can replace the wheels with skis depending on the season.


If necessary, two front wheels can be added to the rear two-wheel cart to obtain a four-wheels cart depending on the needs and pathology of your pet as well as its evolution.
Please contact ORTHO DESIGN to find out if the cart would be an option for your pet, or for further information such as how to determine the required cart size, the cost of the cart, etc.
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