The shoulder stabilizer (unilateral and bilateral) is mainly used to prevent an excessive range of motion in abduction (outward separation of front limbs from body axis). The device can also be used to limit somewhat the shoulder flexion and extension, thus helping to stabilize one or both shoulders.
Example of a frequently observed case: Injury to the glenohumeral ligament of the shoulder
In medium and large breed dogs, shoulder instability is very often of traumatic origin, and can occur as a result of intense play, sporting activities, and so on. This injury is frequently observed in hyperactive dogs and/or those that practice agility. The condition is often the result of several microtraumas (fatigue injuries) over time. Signs and symptoms include constant or intermittent painful limping.
The treatment of a medial shoulder instability should be multimodal and ideally include weight management, joint diet, controlled physical activity, medication, physiotherapy, surgery if it’s an option, shoulder stabilizer, etc.